U want feedback, NOT hate comments about gay people and how the officer is right.

Chapter 1: My Dream

April 12

It's my 18th Birthday! My parents asked me what I wanna do with my life. About that, today I found my maths class boring and,leaving the room I saw another boy enter, Mathew, he was so perfect and I felt attracted to him! It was then I realised… im gay. Gay and in love.

I loved Mathew, I followed him everywhere! I booked the same classes as him,ate next to him,walked next to him and finally… kissed him. I kissed him in the stairwell, he looked a bit dazed then after a few seconds of anxious silence returned the kiss.

Soon it was time too go home so we joined hands and started walkin down them road when the head of the school newspaper walked up and tried to interview us,
“How does it feel being gay? Are you worried about bullying? Is this official?” were bombs in the raid of questions blurted out by his entourage of people all wanting too know things about us,it was like we were freaks, they had no respect for us, so…

Mathew turned round, stared at one guy,swung his body round, then, THWACK! He really socked him, leaving the a bleeding clump on the floor.

“Fight! Fight! Fight!” The chants emoted from the crowd which was now swelling in number from the obvious brawl which was to follow.

Two boys stepped out of the crowd and joined the fight beating up crowd helping out desperate plight. Recognising that I needed to help I picked up a cricket bat and started swinging, after I smashed the bat into one girls stomach, it snapped so I picked up a pair of drivers. It was like a movie! Mathew was grabbing people by their collars and smashing their heads together,



“I need you to run and get the police!NOW!”

With that I rubbed my bloody nose with my shirt and scrambled to my feet starting the run to the police station.


“But Sir! My friends need help! They’re being attacked!”

“But why are they being attacked Mr Wood?”

I stuttered for a bit,

“Be-be-because they’re gay,”

That sentence put a scorn on the Officer’s face,

“Serves the kid right, disobeying the lord he is. I’m gonna pretend I don’t hear you and let you go free, ok?”

“But, but, but,”


“Nothing sir,”

With my head hung in shame I walked out of the police station and back to the fight.

It was horrific, like a war zone, there was blood all over the floor and people were drawing knives, stabbing each other. I’m not gonna lie-I was scared-scared for my life, all because I revealed my true self.This world is a horrific place, people should be accepted for who they are. I rushed over to someone laying on the ground and pulled his shirt up, he had several gashes in his side and was groaning, crying almost for help. I couldn’t help him, I felt so helpless that he lost his life because of me. Me.

I collapsed but was soon dragged up by a familiar face;Mathew? Yes, it was him and he got me up then pulled me close to his chest,

“Your alive!”

“Well, I’m holding you. Aren’t I?”

“Yes,yes you are,”

These last words left my lips clouded by my tears, I couldn’t, I wouldn’t hide my emotions ever again. As we called those last words we both slunk to the floor paralysed by the pain we’d caused.

“We better call someone,”

“We really should, Thomas,”


Mathew drew out his phone and dialled 999, the operator picked up,

“What’s your emergency?”

“There have been multiple stabbings in a brawl,”

“Where is said ‘brawl’?”

“The fight happened just outside Clapham Common, in the outskirts,”

Each word Mathew said seemed to hurt, is wondered why but soon saw he had a shiv lodged in his lower back,

“You ok?”

“It’s no matter,”

“Sir, please stay put, which service is needed?”

“Well, we need police and we need ‘em quick, also multiple ambulances are needed, me and my boyfriend,”

I was shocked, it was official,

“We have tried to stabilise 4 of the casualties but are certain we have 2 fatalities. Help is needed, URGENTLY!”

“Please calm down sir, help has arrived. Thank you for staying on the call,”

Mathew turned around and saw, and heard the ambulances approach the scene. Mathew gave a cough and a splutter then fell to the ground in a mangled heap wheezing for air,


“It’s ok Mathew, help is here. PARAMEDICS!”

As the medics rushed over I fell to the ground and stared Mathew in the eyes and saw the stray tear rolling down his cheek.

“Don’t worry now…”

Chapter 4

The ambulance pulled up to the hospital and I stroked Mathew’s beautiful brown hair and gave him one big squeeze before leaving him, he needed surgery.

As his bed was wheeled out the nurse stopped and whispered something to me,


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    I know that, i just thought it likely that you would use small details from irl such as that

    3.8 years ago
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    This isn’t my life! It’s a story I made! Duh. @DojoGiraffe

    3.9 years ago
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    never mind. Which of these countries do you live in?


    3.9 years ago
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    You do know that there would be a resource officer on campus, right?

    3.9 years ago
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    3.9 years ago

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