Landon the horizontal assembly building (the long building by the launch pad)
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4,813 TweedleAerospace
A. How? Did it not explode?
B. I meant more of a plane. -
7,552 Hannah1212
Oh then nope, I already can barley land on a runway. @TweedleAerospace
4,813 TweedleAerospace
@Hannah1212 @JSO18 I meant more like a horizontal landing with a plane
3,679 JSO18
Does it count if I just plug those coordinates into my landing program and do it with vizzy?
Oh wait I need to land there to get the coordinates that won’t work lol -
11.5k Chtite451SR2
That's easy for me lol
I didn't even try and I know it Lol
So I'll let the others try ;)
I might do it though, but gl to everyone who tries ;) -
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@Arstotzka A. Even more questions B. Yes, as they are planes