look, i get that none of this affects me and that people can build whatever, but i’m getting pissed off at the recent onslaught of stolen and low effort crafts. I don’t care if it’s for this or that person, if you’re stealing it, then recoloring/putting text on it, and finally re-uploading it as your own, you should honestly get off the website and back in your corner where you belong. Admit it, you’re lazy to build, so am i, but that doesn’t mean you should steal other peoples hard work and add virtually nothing new to it.
I’m not putting out names, but there are a specific few of you people that i’m truly disappointed in. Just, this whole situation is depressing, so just stop. You know who you are, and you know what you’re doing is wrong.
Now onto the other half of the rant. I’m tired of seeing these 5 minute builds, honestly sick of them, because they flood the website and cover up actually well built crafts. I know we all have the right to upload anything we want, but i wish you people could put more effort and Creativity into your builds instead of “starship go brr hahaha” because lets be real, nobody is gonna upvote your 23 part starship. Try making a mesh of irl crafts y’know? Like uhh, SLS + Falcon heavy, something cursed that not many people have done. Unnecessarily-Long story short, put more effort into your builds.
keep this comment section civilized, i don’t want unnecessary arguing here.