I found this news 1 hour ago and this was viral on my WhatsApp.
People are saying that this is because of the lunar eclipse today. Some people say this is fake but I don't think this is fake because in this video It looks very realistic as the moon blacks out the sky.
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1,191 YaMomzBox420
@Captainboeing I'm very confused by your comment with a ton of @s. So it's a popular meme... Does that mean everyone on this site wants to see it? Not really. I mean, maybe if it had relevance to the game or something, but otherwise people are just gonna bash it, or be confused.
Also, this is exactly what my previous comment was talking about lol
118 Captainboeing
@HyperPatch @YaMomBox420 @escxpevelocity @Tully @Rafaele @plane918273645
@CardZlol @ab3 @Exo200 @OM3GA_AEROSPACE Please forgive me it was just fake, just because to tell you this was viral and becoming a very popular meme -
25.6k HyperPatch
@escxpevelocity 7. Even with a telescope and perfect seeing the terrain isn't as bumpy as it is portrayed in the video.
1,191 YaMomzBox420
@Rafaele because kids these days have no clue about anything that's not on their phone. If Facebook or Twitter didn't promote it, it doesn't exist, if some random video pops up on Tik Tok, it must be real! If my parents learned about it and had to care about it(for whatever reason), then I'm going to act like it doesn't exist. I mean, how do you grow ramen noodles anyway? And what kind of tree do pizzas grow on? IDK because I don't have to do anything for myself
639 escxpevelocity
- The Moon never travels at such velocities across the sky.
- If the Moon were to be this close to Earth, tidal forces would rip it into pieces.
- The Moon is never this detailed; even through a telescope. (Trust me, I have a scope)
- The Moon is clearly in a waning gibbous phase. It is currently full moon.
- Even if the shadowing was caused by a lunar eclipse; the lunar terminator is present. The terminator, or detailed line of craters between the lit and unlit line of craters, does not exist in a lunar eclipse.
- This is a solar eclipse. Not a lunar eclipse. There was no solar eclipse this morning.
I hope that clears up some things. Apologize for the other people not correcting you with respect..
1,191 YaMomzBox420
First off, it's a lunar eclipse, not a solar eclipse, so the video just doesn't make any sense at all simply from that point. Then, of course, it's just a poorly rendered model of the moon moving across the sky and rotating(somehow the sun moves with it too) waaaay too fast and close to the ground.
Have you even seen a lunar eclipse before? Because I've seen quite a few, and they don't look anything like that video. And they happen at night, not daytime lol
462 Tully
I think I saw Jupiter today, I'm sure I breathed in some of the gas and now I'm a little unwell please help
4,038 Dawon
My god! How negative does your IQ have to be to believe this is real? Smh
18.3k plane918273645
Sorry to break the bad news it’s pretty clearly fake. There was a penumbral lunar eclipse today though, and it was kinda close to periapsis so about 5% visually larger. @ISEAD @DazareAerospace
Some people may not find articles because this news Is only 1 to 2 hours ago
@NebulaSpaceAgency @HyperPatch @Rafaele
Guys believe it or not this thing is real. I shot this video too and posted it.