Making custom grid fins adds a lot of parts and is time consuming, plus some don't even work like real fins! My idea is to have a procedural grid fin (kinda like wings) where you can shape it like a wing but if you shape say the left side of the grid fin it applies the change to the right side so you will always have symmetrical grid fins. The grid fins can have the same input as wings (None, auto, pitch, roll, etc, etc) and generate control to help guide the craft and, you can choose if you want them to have pointy edges or not!
Edit 1: You can choose to have them open on start or not but are stowed away by default and when you activate your set AG say AG 6 it will open and you can use it.
This is kinda like PasonJawulo's request with the landing legs

this may be asking for to much ;-;

Vote here!!!!

(to the devs if they see this: if adding pointy things to the grid fins is too hard you can leave them out)



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    1,732 neodynamic

    We need this! It will make crafts using Grid Fins much easier.

    Pinned 3.8 years ago
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    1,301 notsorry
    Pinned 3.8 years ago
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    Not a fan of grid fins myself in SR2, but I've tried to test them out without much success. However, I believe this is an excellent suggestion, well done. Might be a fan of them if they were as you've suggested.

    Maybe put it up in the Suggestions section, perhaps also put a link here leading to the suggestion and those of us who like this idea will upvote it there, so that it can be considered by the devs if it's feasible to work on or not. Either way, this is s great idea.

    Again, excellent idea.😊

    Pinned 3.8 years ago
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    1,301 notsorry

    dang this is popular

    Pinned 3.8 years ago
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    1,301 notsorry

    @MasterOfNone Thank you!!!! :D

    3.8 years ago


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