If I made a craft that had a lot of delta v but used it over months would it be okay?
3.7 years ago
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4,811 TweedleAerospace
@sentinelaerospace I tried it. It doesn’t work the way it seems. For some reason it just sets the throttle to 0. It doesn’t stop you from time warping though.
@TweedleAerospace there is an aspect in the xml that lets you warp
4,811 TweedleAerospace
@NebulaSpaceAgency yeah. I wouldn’t either. But more of a proof of concept. Unless... there is an aspect in XML that lets you time warp using that engine
23.6k NebulaSpaceAgency
well i will assure you, nobody will ever wait months to do a few burns
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@TweedleAerospace strange, i guess just use a modded ion engine