Every time after I saved my craft, the most of parts didn’t stay on same size and position. There are some slight differences. For instance, if a fuselage's width is 10.00 in the game, it will become 10.00051 after I save it and load it again.

As I continue to save and load my craft , these tiny xml change will accumulate and cause serious problems. The gaps between each part become bigger and the smoothing is gone.

SR2 version 0.9.703 updated a new fuselage Smoothing, it is much better than before, but they often disappear when the craft is reloaded because those tiny xml changes accumulate, even if the "Seamless Edges" setting is on "Both".

When I use "Part Shape Tool" to adjust the depth of the fuselage then adjust it back to it's original shape, it's smoothing actives normal again.

And then if I save and load the craft again the smoothing disappears again.

This bug really affects the appearance of crafts and it really caused many inconveniences while building crafts. Many of the players have met this problem. hope you guys can solve this problem for us soon. Thank you very much!



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    7,336 ZvezdaRoar


    Pinned 3.7 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @Arstotzka no, that'd just add pressure to us and frustration to the community. We already have a roadmap where we add some of the most relevant things we are working on.

    +3 3.7 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @Roar_LX @QinSheng as I said, if the description is obvious enough and there's nothing to add in the comments, we don't comment, just use our own tools to classify the reports. If you then delete them at random we loose track of the report. Don't do that even if the report is wrong, it's easy for us to reject it if that's the case.

    +2 3.7 years ago
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    7,336 ZvezdaRoar

    @pedro16797 I've deleted the post…I'll post it again right now

    3.7 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @QinSheng can you send me a link to the post that was ignored?

    3.7 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @Roar_LX I'm checking your posts and you haven't posted any bug report ever, did you use a different account? If so, which?

    3.7 years ago
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    7,336 ZvezdaRoar

    @pedro16797 Iknow, Iknow, but how about this bug that I reported? I think it is serious enough. I apologized, so stop arguing and work on the bugs.

    3.7 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @QinSheng well, the lack of a reply proves my point. We don't answer all bug reports but have settings you don't see to track them (priority, what dev is assigned to it...), as you can imagine we have higher priority bugs to fix and features to add, Jundroo is a very small company with limited resources, and the solution to that isn't spamming the webpage.
    I know that some bugs can be annoying and frustrating, as you know I've also been a player for a long time before becoming a dev, but that doesn't justify being annoying to other people.

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    7,336 ZvezdaRoar

    @pedro16797 OK, Sorry about that. But I have sent a bug feedback about weeks ago and nobody gave me any reply. This bug is so annoying that it affect my crafts so badly. Sorry about disturbing you guys, but we really hope that the problem will be solved quickly.

    3.7 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @Roar_LX @TridentLaogou @QinSheng First of all, stop pinging the devs in the posts, you've pinged Andrew 3 times!! Do you know how annoying and ineffective that is? If someone gets pinged every day for things like this after a while it's tempting to just ignore the pings.

    Second, please post this as a bug report so it's easier for us to track it and we'll look into this in the near future

    +5 3.7 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison This is a serious problem,Please settle as soon as possible.

    +1 3.7 years ago


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