The truth is that I have that doubt since I have seen that few players support the ideas with NTR engines or perhaps almost no one supports them.

And I do not say to the degree of feeling the only one, although that is my why, why there are extremely few creations with NTR

Sometimes I feel that no player wants to talk about those engines.



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    @ISTINC0RP0RATED - i like them, and put them to use a couple times, usually with water as the fuel - they work great for low gravity and make very precise orbit adjustments

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    NTR concept crafts look really cool but aren't very practical.

    3.7 years ago
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    @ISTINC0RP0RATED trust me I tried the XML engine warping and it doesn’t work

    3.7 years ago
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    Even so, for me they are the best engines I have tried, yes, I admit that the sacrifice is low isp and you are patient, but I think they are two sacrifices that are worth it.

    3.7 years ago
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    I think the reason is clear, although without xml I have found a way to give them a practical use although apparently (I think, now it is more my perspective) nuclear engines require some study for its correct use although sacrificing your patience

    3.7 years ago
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    Because the problem is that nuclear thermal engines aren’t powerful and don’t actually get that much more deltaV than a kerolox engine. So it can be an hour long burn versus a 5 minute burn. Nuclear thermal rockets often aren’t usable on this game because people don’t have a ton of time even with time warp. Now, NTR engines can get more deltaV with very big tanks and small engines. But then that can be 5-6 hours.

    3.7 years ago

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