I know most of you don't really care, but the reason I haven't been uploading lately, is because of the upvote cults, and low effort posts that have 5 minutes of work that went into them. I know the points you earn are useless, but it frustrates me that I can spend hours working on a craft, yet I only get a few upvotes. I'm fine with that. I don't really care about the points. What I do care about, is that other users spend no time on crafts, and spam uploads, and then they have all of their friends upvote their low effort craft, resulting in the craft getting to the front page, while crafts that actually have time and effort put into them get pushed off the front page by the low effort crap posts. It frustrates me that people get praise and attention by taking it away from other people, and the posts that have good effort and quality don't get the appreciation they should. That, is why I've decided to slow down my uploads, and such. Like I said, the points don't really matter, but I've let it get to me, and I'm tired of the things some of the community members do, in order to gain fame and points.
Until next time,
OM3GA (SumoSasquatch / DawonCena)
Even though I said I'm slowing down uploads, I might release a patch for my auto orbit soon, because I was informed that the auto-staging is messed up.