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4,811 TweedleAerospace
@Doglover232YT it needs to be currently automated to be accepted
126 ElizabethB1051
@TweedleAerospace I can send you a rocket I made on Discord if you would like. Still working on getting it automated though.
126 ElizabethB1051
@TweedleAerospace I had a post, Then I deleted it. The satellite was trash. I’m working on rockets and new satellites now. That post was from a long time ago, I think about a year ago.
4,811 TweedleAerospace
@Doglover232YT why don’t you have any posts? How did you get upvotes?
3,216 CASXA
@Doglover232YT there is also community aerospace in which each member build a section of a rocket that is then put together and uploaded.
11.5k Chtite451SR2
@Doglover232YT I don't think so, because the goal of this is for vizzy coders to come together and build automated stuff pretty much
But it's up to tweedle since has the CEO, I can't make that decision... I'm just saying what I think would happen... sry -
126 ElizabethB1051
@IAAR2 @TweedleAerospace Can I join the Discord? I’ve been thinking of joining IAAR, But I’m bad at coding.
@TweedleAerospace Ok.