Its been like 3 months since the last small update so it should be out soon right? I haven't played SR2 in a few months and I've noticed there hasn't been much activity on the site, hope that changes soon.
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242 Dereric
I know what you mean, I think the same.
There are no announcements, no patchnotes, no hints what's coming up next, not even a simple notice that they work on something, nothing. The last post at the feedback-thread is over one year old. If somebody don't believe that, just remind the last big update, that one with the planet designer. There were so many announcements and forum posts and so on over the time. But now, those forums are abandoned...
And bugs like the auto-staging or the lander legs are older than I am, so I don't think they focused an bug fixing.
It would be nice if the developers could say something about that.
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it’ll come, just give it a while