As you see, we are trying to get to Athena, which orbits a gas giant that orbits a star that is over 6 light years away. We can’t just get on our ship and head straight there. We need a supply loop and more experience with our system as is.
So what if we tried settling on another planet or moon in the Juno system to practice for Centauria?
Vulco? No, it’s tidally locked and has no atmosphere
No, thicc atmosphere and is hot as a microwave all day and night.
(You had this coming)
No. It’s a radioactive wasteland there.
Now we can’t settle on a gas giant (yet) but we can on it’s moons. And there are only 2 moons in the system that have a atmosphere that can protect the droonauts from radiation
Atmosphere is nice, but it is more of a water world, and the only islands are rough volcanoes
It has a bunch of mountains, flat areas, and methane lakes. You know what uses methane? Methalox. (I know you can’t use that yet) it can be used to make rocket fuel, which is perfect. The atmosphere is very thick, but it makes up for it not being a radioactive wasteland and not being as cold as a freezer.
So. We are trying to get to Taurus. Of course, we are going to settle on other moons first, but we want to send a recon orbiter there soon. And in the future, an ISV can go there.
@NebulaX Moons Representation