Galactic Aerospace have some terms and conditions for its rideshare program
- In a single booking of rideshare program only one satellite is allowed. Multiple Satellite needed to
be booked on multiple flights.
- Only crafts that are under 400Kg weight are allowed in the rideshare launch. In each launch up to
36 small cubesat can make its journey to orbit.
- The link should be valid. If somehow the link of the craft couldn't take our managers to your satellite
then they might cancel your order
- If somehow wrong details are given during booking and those details doesn't match with the
satellite provided with the link then order may be cancelled and during such incidents Insurance
Policy will not work.
- In a case if the launch of your craft is not conducted in the selected month, dont need to panic, we will
launch next month this might be because the Launch team was busy and the research team were
under technological developments.
Some conditions may be changed or updated later on as per situation
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@DespacitoFan And I'm galactic