I will make a bug report soon and I will also post a video on discord.
But paneling majorly slows down crafts. It even made it so that they have no weight or drag or anything that effects the craft other than visually and yet it still slows the craft down. And not just a little bit. It slowed it down from Mach 1.6 to Mach 0.7. That is a huge difference so it doesn’t make sense that 100 kilograms of weight and a little drag would make that big a difference. I haven’t experienced this before but I don’t panel a lot.
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4,813 TweedleAerospace
@NebulaX it is very annoying I don’t recommend it unless you need it
4,813 TweedleAerospace
@NebulaX using structural panels or struts to create complex shapes
1,732 neodynamic
Maybe part count? Also, I am pretty new to the site, what’s paneling?
4,813 TweedleAerospace
@Chtite451SR2 yeah it is weird that they have such a big effect even though they weigh less and have less drag most of the time.
11.5k Chtite451SR2
What did you use to panel? I use struts and I never came across that problem…
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@TweedleAerospace Kay. Sorta like if you made the grid fins on the Falcon 9?