I've finally got around to making a GUI for the converter! It's autogenerated from the CLI so it's not pretty but it will do the job. And you can run it as a Windows executable without installing Python!
SimplePlanes to SimpleRockets converter v1.1: now with a graphical interface!
3.5 years ago
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4,796 TweedleAerospace
@Pashog oh cool. I finally got a computer so I will try this finally. You mind if I make a test post as public crediting you?
134 Pashog
@DrexxVolv download SP-SR2-converter.exe and run it. A window should pop up (tell me if it doesn't, can't say that i've tested this a lot lol)
You will be able to choose between importing an xml file from your computer or downloading the craft directly from simpleplanes.com using its id -
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@TweedleAerospace yeah, sure!