What if Elon Musk sent Starship to get his Roadster back? What would it be like?
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4,811 TweedleAerospace
@DrexxVolv batteries would do a ton of damage. my town has almost weekly fires from a ship that was carrying cars with lithium batteries. It causes huge fires and a ton of small explosions. Although that is a hundred cars at once.
1,732 neodynamic
@TweedleAerospace R.I.P, you blocking me prevents me from getting notifications from your replies. I guess that’s true, tho. The battery exploding wouldn’t cause too much damage though, only a heavy shock. It is a big possibility, though.
4,811 TweedleAerospace
@TerTech it will pass nearby Mars years from now and it could be possible to land it on Mars. Then a separate mission to get it off of Mars.
4,811 TweedleAerospace
@DrexxVolv this isn’t completely true. While the suit will be damaged and stuff, the actually car will be in recognizable condition for millions of years. The carbon and some of the seats and interior prices may still be intact. For years. And it may even be semi drivable for 10 years since 2018. So while Starman may not have a chance of being alive even if he was alive to begin with, the car may in hot rod shape. Unless the battery exploded.
1,732 neodynamic
@TerTech Dude, you gotta press reply, otherwise no one will know that you commented. And starship will be safe, Starman won’t. (R.I.P. David Bowie)
1,732 neodynamic
It would be shredded. Solar radiation doesn’t mix with cars. Smart question, though.
@TweedleAerospace Ouch. You do remember that fire needs air to create explosions or fires? Plus, they are probably uses small batteries instead of industrial grade 6,831 rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Might have a point, tho.