As I had done in my first post of this, I listed my cancelled, in-devolopment, and used crafts in my Alpha and Bravo categories. I use these to classify my projects and give them a name when they actually get out of the prototype stage. Anyways, here it is:


Alpha-1: ISV. Successfully passed prototype stage. Now known as ISV Columbia, later evolved into ISV Pathfinder and Genesis. Later abandoned due do lackluster logistical capability and poor range (less than 1 LY) Saw further operational usage in logistical trains in the outer Juno system missions. The only one still in service is the ISV Genesis, now re-designated as IPV Genesis.

Alpha-2: attempted low-cost moon rocket, made it out of prototype stage and even a mission took place, but never flew again.

Alpha-3: Starship without super heavy. Project abandoned few to lack of efficiency

Alpha-4: starship with super heavy, also cancelled.

Alpha-5 starship with cargo bay. Currently canceled.

Alpha-6 just alpha-5 but with the super heavy. Also cancelled.

The end of the alpha list. Notice most were cancelled and one of 6 of these made it into a widely used craft.


Bravo-1: A attempted SSTO to replace StarChaser. Cancelled due to major design flaw.

Bravo-2: Heavy lift rocket. Ended up being useless with comparing it to my new rocket.

Bravo-3: Classified. Development scrubbed

Bravo-4: Multi-purpose lander that was abandoned

Bravo-5: SSTO Spaceplane that would take off vertically. Cancelled from poor design

Bravo-5-A: SSTO VTOL shuttle now designated “Phoenix” originally designed to carry cargo to and from ISVs on interstellar missions, due to development lagging behind on the first ISVs, the production models never saw service on any interstellar missions. They are currently in service for trans-orbital operations for Nebra and Taurus.

Bravo-6: A backup shuttle for if Bravo-5-A ended up failing, this, as many others was cancelled.

Bravo-7: candidate for partial-reuse heavy launch vehicle. Failed project due to bad payload size.

Bravo-8: Attempted creation of efficient interplanetary transport vehicle with nuclear engines. Failed from design complication.

Bravo-9: Failed crew capsule with integrated launch abort system. Failed from control difficulties.


Charlie-1: Large proof-of-concept shuttle carrying a BUGY-2 rover/utility vehicle

Charlie-2: proof-of-concept amplified mobility platform

Charlie-3: VTOL Spaceplane candidate for ISV TAVs

Charlie-4: Classified.

Charlie-5: “HAB” easy-to-launch versatile colony building. Evolved design now a staple for Horizons Colonial program.

Charlie-6: Classified.

Charlie-7: Small utility space shuttle project. Development on hold due to debate on practicality of piggyback space shuttles.

Charlie-8: Nuclear interplanetary transport vehicle with nuclear engines and artificial gravity. Cancelled due to state of obsolescence of the artificial gravity ring configuration in favor of the twin hab module config.

Charlie-9: proof-of-concept VTOL jet vehicle.

Charlie-10: Huge program involving at most 3 classes of interstellar vehicles for supply loops for colony missions on a neighboring star. Said ships use antimatter/matter hydrogen propulsion. Program had evolved into the cancelled ISV Von Braun, and active service ISV Atlantis and ISV Washington.


Delta-1: Light trans-atmospheric vehicle with advanced jet/fusion engines designed to ferry cargo between orbit and the surface of planets.

Updated as of 1/2/24


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    1,732 neodynamic

    I was very interested. I love this chart because it allows me to take sneak peaks into wat you do. Except the fact you ping me on every update, lol. Very useful.

    3.1 years ago
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    @DrexxVolv Just though you may be interested

    3.1 years ago

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