i'm still getting into building
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4,811 TweedleAerospace
@Chtite451SR2 it is rare though. Only certain things seem to kill them.
11.5k Chtite451SR2
@TweedleAerospace I was thinking about maybe fall damage killing droods too, but I wasn’t 100% sure
4,811 TweedleAerospace
@DrexxVolv actually I found out that they can take fall damage. I guess the old ways of irreparably traumatizing ingame characters still exists.
1,732 neodynamic
@Chtite451SR2 falls from space: Drood: bri’ish spy voice: Touchdown. Shall I await further command?
1,732 neodynamic
In case you don’t know, the SR2 site is much more different. For starters, we call it pinging, not tagging.
11.5k Chtite451SR2
@DrexxVolv your forgetting they take heat damage...
And pressure damage (crush height on stars and gas giants)
So they aren't exactly invincible -
1,732 neodynamic
Also, droods are invincible to anything, so feel free to drop it from orbit and expect it to be fine.
@TweedleAerospace Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. I saw the Top Gun (didn’t actually watch the movie.) thing you were talking about. Still don’t get why you blocked me. :l