At 7:21 Am Droo time, Booster succesfully lifted off from DSC Launch pad, it then throttled down after a few minutes to reach it's desired Hop altitude, after reaching apogee the booster then shutdown it's center SCE 1 engine ring, then the booster then re-lighted it's center engines at the height of 1.5KM booster then touched down softly in the landing pad completing it's final test.

Eggyspace team is now gonna move on in designing the 2nd stage and it will have 2 versions: Test version and final version.

It will also conduct the tests that the booster did.


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    3,030 TerTech

    When will your first launch be, @EggySPACE? Whenever it may be, we will be supporting you as you build the road to space. Godspeed, EggySPACE!

    3.5 years ago
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    1,732 neodynamic

    chk, chck, rumble, woosh, fwoooooooo, chk, chck, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, rumble, kkkkkkkkooo, chiii, boop

    3.6 years ago

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