When i in his YT channel,I Saw this:
That Chinese title video is about the politics about china,but this is a game about rockets.That video should not found in a folder named "HUMAN SPACEFLIGHT"
This action is not good for the SR2 community.So Please @iSpace explain why you want to do this.thanks
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1,666 Marssmmm
Lemme guess you from the US, but it’s YouTube, have you seen 5 min crafts, that nothing compared to them
3,030 TerTech
@MirazAerospace maybe the I in iSpace stands for something! And it is easily a different iSpace because look at the SR2 rocket! It has the American flag on it!
582 MirazAerospace
There is a actual ispace named company in China,maybe ispace is a part of actual ispace
@Doglover232YT My purpose in writing this article is to expose this problem. Because it gave me a bad impression. If it is not intentional, I hope it can be rectified. If it is intentional, it proves that it is a villain who wants to do shameless things in the community.
126 ElizabethB1051
@Secondartilleryforce Didn’t you take into account that he could have done that by accident? Quite frankly, I would have never known it was there unless someone said something.
@ISX Nonsense, it just a folder named "Human Spaceflight" not Chinese politics
3,668 ISX
Nonsense, it just a folder named "Human Spaceflight" not "SR2 related video"
Then,@NebulaSpaceAgency I didn't care that's what country's politics
@NebulaSpaceAgency idk what your guys think, but i think let the game mixed with politics is a shameless action
@NebulaSpaceAgency But this action is not good .At least to me
@TweedleAerospace Although it is his freedom,but this is not good in a sr2 video folder.
4,813 TweedleAerospace
@Secondartilleryforce YouTube isn’t part of our community. He can post whatever he likes wherever he likes on his channel.
23.6k NebulaSpaceAgency
why should we care about chinese politics? it’s literally the most useless thing in the SR2 community. i can say this much: the community (probably) doesn’t care.
If you want to see that video,that is your freedom.but please don't take that to the community. @iSpace
Maybe my post haven't any use, but i want let it and your guys know i have dissatisfied to it action