as you all know, Merak from my Mortan System has some good old rings around it, and while the rings i'm currently using aren't bad, they're using one from another celestial body from a system i've downloaded (ahem credit to the original creator, as per usual), but i want it to have it's own unique rings. problem is, i can't make my own rings (yet?) so i ask the more skillful and talented Planet Studio users, could somebody please make the ring texture for me based on what i've wrote and drawn below?
it should be dark red on the innermost part, followed by a lot of very dark grey (with a small hint of blue shoved in it) with some spaces, then a slightly larger space, then dark red again, a very tiny space, and then bright orange-ish yellow as the outermost part.
i drew a quick "concept art" picture in case you need a better reference then just text, forgive me for my horrible drawing skills lol
weird, the pictures aren't showing even though i'm using the same format as i've always used