I have no idea how to use the programming so I'm asking for help, I'm trying to create a problem that when you yaw left the left turns on and same with turning right, and then break lights, they turn on when activating the brake



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    242 Dereric

    If you use only beacon or normal lights, you can make it with AG's, three AG's in your case (indicators left, indicators right, break lights).
    Then set every light to his specifical group.
    For this example, i use AG 5, 6 (indicators L/R) and 7 (break).

    Go to "edit program" then:

    On start
    While true
    If input Jaw > 0 = true then
    Set Activation Group 5 to true
    Set Activation Group 5 to false
    If input Jaw < 0 = true then
    Set Activation Group 6 to true
    Set Activation Group 6 to false
    If input Brake = true then
    Set Activation Group 7 to true
    Set Activation Group 7 to false

    That won't work if you use glowing fuselage parts (XML edited), there you must rename every part (for exple LI1, LI2 (for left indicator 1 and so on)) and activate every part separately in vizzy.

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    419 LSWC

    @ChalxAerospace thank you

    3.5 years ago
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    i posted a craft that might help, click here

    you can use the program in your craft, but make sure you reorganize the activation groups (if there is any between AG1 - AG4)

    3.5 years ago

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