As you all know, i try to make my Mortan System appeal to as many types of people as i possibly could, and i want to expand this even more.
Now, the 1.2 update is in the works, and with it will come a slew of new stuff, and i want some community-suggested stuff in there too. Simply tell me what you want based on the relatively basic guidelines i've provided (or you can just suggest something right out of the box without paying any attention to these) , and i'll try my best to make it for you. You will be credited on the planetary body post, with "Suggested by [user]!" at the bottom of the description.

Here are the basic "guidelines":

General Planetary Body Type - Just tell me a general type, for example you could just say "large gas giant" or "small asteroid moon", as an example. This is the only required one, the rest are optional.

Name - You can either make your own name, let me decide on it, or tell me a starting and/or ending letter and i'll try to make something out of it.

Atmosphere - Does it have an atmosphere at all? If it does, continue below, if not, move on to the next one (Planet Colors)
-How dense is it? (you can just tell me like "very dense" or "moderate" and i'll give rough estimated values, then you can then say more precise values, or you can just say an exact one yourself)
-Temperature (basically same as above)
-Color (same as above too)

Planet Colors - What color is the planet, or what colors does it have? Are there any color differences based on height and/or biome?

Liquids - Does the planet surface contain any liquids at all? If it does, what color is it? Do you want to have most of the surface covered with it, or only a couple of lakes here and there?

Structures - Are there any structures on the planet? What type?

You can also suggest other features, such as craters and whatnot.
The only thing i can't promise to do relatively accurate to your description is special shapes, for example, as of now i can't make a cube planet, or a planet that has intricately detailed terrain formations, such as valleys seperating various plating-like formations on the terrain surface.
And of course, you can't suggest me to make copies of other user's planetary bodies, that's just logic of course.


Nekavir, suggested by ChalxAerospace
Anihare, suggested by Luckwut
Apurlax, suggested by Staticalliam7
Dvorbis, suggested by SwanHelium



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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    UPDATE: The suggestions are now closed as the system gets closer and closer to being finished, but, as said on one of my previous comments, you might get a second chance once work has started on Mortan 1.4.

    Pinned 3.4 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    NOTE: For now a maximum of 5 community-suggested celestial bodies will be added, meaning there's one more slot left.
    If you wanted a suggestion but couldn't make it in, a similar suggesting opportunity will most likely occur at system version 1.4

    Pinned 3.5 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    SYSTEM IS OUT! You can check it out here. Make sure to read the description to fully understand everything.

    3.4 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    haha thanks lol, no idea when system's ready though

    3.5 years ago
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    @Zenithspeed Looks very nice! Thank you. I am very excited to try it out!

    3.5 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    alright, i'll get the planet's miscellaneous stuff finished and i'll add an image on the main post so you can see how it looks before the whole system is uploaded

    3.5 years ago
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    that's perfect!

    3.5 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    how big do you want the large crater to be? currently it takes up about about 1/8th of the planet surface and i can't make it any smaller without the terrain gen adding even more craters

    3.5 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    it's fine, long comments have better detail than just a few words so it's easier to make the planet too

    3.5 years ago
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    make a planet that is a brownish dirt colour, with some moderate-sized craters that have white in and around them. no atmosphere, and it is a medium planet. also it has a massive crater right at the equator. also it is very close to its home star. sorry for the long comment I am just thinking of things on the spot

    3.5 years ago
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    2,237 Luckwut

    oh that's cool

    3.5 years ago
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    3,554 vghfr

    Purpl planet

    3.5 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    yeah, while i was creating your moon i decided to have a go at domain warping, it's quite a cool feature and it's basically "noise for the noise", and when used correctly it can provide some pretty good looking things

    3.5 years ago
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    2,237 Luckwut

    @Zenithspeed Basically you can create smooth intricate looking shape. mostly used in biomes. you can find domain warping at the bottom of noise modifier. but do be careful at using it, especially of "fractal" domain warping because if you put too much input it can create mess on the terrain ( same as if you put too much strength or frequency on noise ). Sorry if i can't explain it properly because im not that expert in planet editing. i suggest you can try learn more about domain warping in Lava Planet Template by messing some of its noise, especially The River Noise

    3.5 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    i haven't tried domain warping yet, can you briefly explain what it roughly does?

    3.5 years ago
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    2,237 Luckwut

    A Moon with Hot spring lakes (like one in Yellowstone) you can use template to make it easier. Has atmosphere, with temperature range between 300K-600K and moderately thick atmosphere. it has Dry desert like feeling.

    You can choose it to be either Gas giant moon or Terrestrial planets moon. I suggest you should playing with Domain warping more cause it can make celestial body little bit Cooler and better. I guess that my suggestion.

    3.5 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    i'll get to work on that, thanks for suggesting!

    +2 3.5 years ago
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    My suggestion: Make a giant terrestrial planet, with the name starting with "N" and ending with "r", it has an atmosphere with an density of 0.38kg/m³, with an minimum temperature of 120K and a maximum of 214K, and a blueish-gray transparent color, the color of the planet should be a smooth and metallic blue, there's a small brightness difference based on the height, it has liquids with a grayish-cyan color that covers the planet with a couple of lakes

    +1 3.5 years ago


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