While I am making an system there is one or more orbits colored red. Tell me how to address orbits colored red in Planet Studio.
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4,035 ChalxAerospace
@pianoplanepianorocket change the semi-major axis until it doesn't touches any SOI
4,035 ChalxAerospace
@pianoplanepianorocket increase the inclination of the orbit until it's SOI doesn't touches other SOIs, then increase it's eccentricity to clamp through the other orbits
4,035 ChalxAerospace
@pianoplanepianorocket try increasing it's inclination and/or eccentricity, then change it's Arg. of periapsis
4,035 ChalxAerospace
@pianoplanepianorocket what is wrong?, do you want to do a comet/asteroid that passes through other planets?
4,035 ChalxAerospace
try increasing the distances between the orbits or decreasing the planets SOI, if the orbit of a child planet is colored red, then try increasing the Sphere Of Influence of the parent planet, or decreasing the Semi-Major Axis of the child planet
11.5k Chtite451SR2
Red after the game validates the planets?
Those should be the ones you need no move a little, for example, if it shows a planet going into another planets SOI, then you move the orbit away -
4,422 PZLAgencies
@ChalxAerospace You are a good system maker, tell me how to do this.
@pianoplanepianorocket finally!