Hi, I am trying to achieve a fully automated dynamic launch program for which I need someone which roughly corresponds to this: Chip 1 responsible for stage 1’s activation, deactivation, landing parachute and stage detach, upon stage sep chip 1 will notify chip 2 so it can light its engine and go to LEO but after sep and notification, chip 1 needs to launch parachute and maybe relight engines

I have achieved this partially through sending message from chip 1 to 2 asking for stage activation as otherwise chip 1 is unable to control stage, throttle, heading etc

Is there a resource with decent documentation of this system? Or somewhere you can point me to to achieve this?



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    Or you can do slow motion and control craft to craft, but I assume you want a Vizzy system

    3.5 years ago
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    once the booster is seperated, not much can be relayed between the 2 crafts - the landing program would need to be in the boosters command chip, and the orbit program in the payloads command chip - then switching control between the 2 crafts can work. but, while the booster is landing, the payload will just be coasting - and vice versa. timing when each program should run is a tricky one - there are a couple players that did it, but no real documentation on how to make programs like that

    +1 3.6 years ago

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