I'm still waiting for Spacex to assembly the tower so I can build it correctly
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8,428 PasonJawulo
@ChaoticGraviton I know, I've already changed it. I took the picture quickly after putting everything together just to show the progress
26.3k ChaoticGraviton
@PasonJawulo don't know if you've caught it yet, but the tower should be a fair amount closer than you have it. Perspective could also cause it.
15 Scatha
Ah ok, no i searched for Ship20 and your listing showed up but said i can't open it cause it got deleted again. Propably just a glitch. Looking forward to your Ship! I wanna fly it now!
2,792 TaurusSpace
@PhSpace12 goodluck trying to catch it is way harder than you think even the only one currently in SR2 struggles
2,792 TaurusSpace
if someone can make this catch it would be the 2nd craft ever in SR2 to do it
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@Scatha Yup, I want to make sure i put everything together correctly