Hello good people. Above matter refers. I would like to know if there's a way to move or preserve structures from one version to another. It'd be quite tiresome to recreate structures with every new version of the game or Juno System in particular. Was wondering uf there was a way to move structures via xml edit ir something like it.

Also, to the devs, would like to know if we're going to be able to use our custom structures in Career mode.



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    @plane918273645 Hello. I just tried that but its not working. Its like after transferring the xml data from the planet with custom structures to the target planet I want them to go. I did this by copying the lines with the Structure Nodes of the custom Structures I wanted to move pasting them on the appropriate section in the target planet xml. On selecting the updated target planet in Planet Studio, a prompt comes up saying something like that it has recognized new lines of data that do not match what is saved up or something like that. There even is no preview of the updated planet, it will be an error of sorts.

    I dont know if there is any other way of doing it besides what I have described above.

    3.6 years ago
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    You can transfer the xml, other than that I don’t know

    +1 3.6 years ago

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