It's almost done.
I just can't stop tweaking the details...



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    I miss seeing your. New builds

    3.4 years ago
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    4,265 kittman

    @QuantumEnterprises BTW, I'll be including instructions on how the rover deploy sequence works... It can be deployed in at least three ways... downward (or "Drop") like in the pics, upwards (or "Jump") using four solid rockets (they're hidden) and... i think another way, but I don't recall... I'm only using the "drop" and "jump" methods for this project.
    I configured the rover in such a way it can easily be used in other crafts. I do plan to post separately just the rover with all deploy systems attached so anyone can easily add it to their own crafts.
    The rover isn't mine, but I've never tweaked a craft as much as I did that rover. Every single one of the rover's 199 parts and deploy system I set "part collisions" to "never" and "collision response" to "none". The rover can be dropped from 10000m and hit the ground without damage. well, 90% of the time. occasionally part of the suspension will break, but not often.
    but being dropped with a deploy system has been a much better and fun way to get the rover to the ground, especially since it's in sync with the ten Drudes.

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    4,265 kittman

    @Staticalliam7 I think you'll find the final product a notch higher than LMAO.... it should be ROTFLMAO-worthy! hehehe

    3.5 years ago
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    4,265 kittman

    thanks for the suggestion! I figured that out a few versions ago... if you look at the last pic you can see a couple in free fall.. set it to explode to 0 at 15agl, but i specifically left just the chute to remain open even after it's detached to assist in locating the line of drudes. i've adjusted the drop sequence snd timing so the rover lands in the same line as the drudes. four drudes in front, rover, then six behind. The rover has a somewhat complex (but very cool-loooking) multi-stage deploy sequence that puts it on the surface long before the drudes land, so timing ended up being tweaked a bunch in order for everything lands in a group. :)
    Will post soon... the weather here is about to go to hell with this hurricane coming so i'll have the time to finish it up more. My generator might be having to provide the necessary 1.21Gigwatts to get it posted tho.... 🤪

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    3,554 vghfr


    3.5 years ago


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