TerTech has made a decision to send people’s names to interstellar space on the Baguette Space Telescope. We will send the list to our contractor for servicing, and they shall send memory cards to the telescope. We plan to contract with Starborn Aerospace, but we have not reached a decision yet. Anyways, just put your name in the comment section below to send your name to space!
Announcement7 Comments
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11.5k Chtite451SR2
Thinking about it, because I can, send this if you want:
EXplore with peace
Or my username -
1,732 neodynamic
Drexx Volv
I wish this entire thing was avoided. The fact that SRM is no longer with us saddens us all. -
3,692 HorizonsTechnologies
Kind of silly to do this after the launch. Could have saved a lot of money.
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Baguette has been publicly unveiled, check the TerTech website to see it.