Uploaded a certain entity as unlisted from my PC intending to download later to my mobile. No download option. How to download
How to download unlisted uploads you personally would have uploaded for back up.
3.5 years ago
Question7 Comments
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244 MasterOfNone943
@Chtite451SR2 Thanks. Used that option of requesting Desktop site. Worked using Opera Browser for Android. Really thanks.
244 MasterOfNone943
@Chtite451SR2 Thanks, had not realised. Noted about the reply button. It's just been a long day at work, so I'm a bit foggy in the mind 😂. Really thanks.
11.5k Chtite451SR2
@MasterOfNone then thats your problem, idk why, the download button doesn't exist on mobile for planet posts, however,
on some browsers (ik firefox and safari have it, idk about other browsers) there is an option to request desktop website, use that, and the download button will appear
also, you should use the reply button, people dont really come back to forums unless they were pinged -
11.5k Chtite451SR2
The download button should be there
Are you trying to download a planet from mobile?
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