The title says it all. I've been playing SR2 for a few days now but have been hindered pretty badly by the limitations I've found with setting burn nodes. For instance, I'd like to burn from an orbit around one planet and target a flyby of another body (moon or planet) more precisely than simply getting an encounter and working from there. Being able to set maneuvers and execute them with precision is critical for things like gravity assists and aerobreaks, but I've found such an endeavor to be frustrating.

The only way to edit nodes is through the gizmo which will close itself when you center the camera on another planet or moon. You can manually drag the camera over to the body and get a preview of the intercept path in it's sphere of influence (sometimes it's not there for some reason) but you are then at the mercy of trying to drag the gizmo widgets to modify your burn from a terrible angle.

If there is any better way to do this, being able to remotely edit the vector of a burn node for instance, or if there is some way to ease this process I'd love to know. If there is no solution to this yet, please tell me as I'd like to write a suggestion thread instead.



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    @YaMomzBox420 I added some thoughts for improvements under the suggestions category, hopefully, the devs will see!

    3.4 years ago
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    1,176 YaMomzBox420

    @CarolusRix No problemo! Yeah, the engineering and dynamics aspects of this game are what draw me in and keep me here. I like the idea that I can make fully functional systems in this game for a number of uses, using the same basic parts, and constrained only by my creativity and knowledge of the game mechanics.

    You'd probably really like Vizzy (the built in visual programming language) like I do. I'll admit it's kind of a pain(especially if you have no experience with code), but it can be used in a remarkably similar way to irl flight computers, allowing for fully autonomous launch/landing of rockets, and soooo much more. The drawback is that there's a very steep learning curve, and certain functions are impossible to implement without the addition of sensors and instruments to the list of parts we can build with.

    And yeah, the maneuver gizmo is hard to figure out, and hard to use even after you do. I know they've done a lot of work with it recently, but the ui hasn't changed much in general for awhile. Hopefully they can figure out a better way to do it, or at least adjust the ui and stuff so it's more friendly(especially on mobile since the touch controls are ridiculous sometimes)

    3.4 years ago
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    @YaMomzBox420 Thanks for this reply. I'll have to share some thoughts on the suggestions page. This game is in a peculiar place in relation to KSP- the flexibility you are given in the design of your craft is a big improvement from KSP in my eyes, similarly the ability to edit systems lets you craft really interesting scenarios and challenges. For this reason, I think the game actually has its greatest potential when it comes to complex engineering and dynamics challenges rather than being a sandbox game where you make things that look cool. But you wouldn't guess it looking at the way maneuvers are such a pain to work with! Really my only gripe!

    3.4 years ago
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    1,176 YaMomzBox420

    Hmmmm. I want to help you, but I'm not sure myself if there's another or better way to do what you want. At least, not something that doesn't take forever and a day to make work in the first place(vizzy I'm looking at you🧐). I wouldn't be surprised if someone hasn't made something using vizzy to simplify the process, but I also wouldn't be surprised if that's just outside the scope of what people are willing to do with this game.

    It really amazes me how different this game is from KSP in more than just a visual sense. I noticed a post the other day on reddit complaining about the lack of input sliders in KSP, while this game has had them for awhile. Maybe the system in KSP is more intuitive or something, but idk since I've never played it

    +2 3.4 years ago
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    Also I'd like to add that I'm approaching this problem based on my experience in KSP, so if there is a whole other intended way of setting and executing maneuvers like this which I am simply ignorant to, please share it or any resources on the matter!

    3.4 years ago


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