Gravity assists. One of the most effective ways to save fuel for a conventional launch to a far away planet. I was wondering. Are they good to work with? (I know they could be tricky)

If so, how would I use Luna as a gravity assist platform? I don’t know how to go fast enough to actually go on a good trajectory.



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    Simply, More Mass = More Gravity
    More Gravity = More Velocity During Flyby
    Flying By Closer To The Celestial Body Gives The Most Velocity Possible In A Flyby

    Luna Isnt the best when it comes to flybys, but if you do want to use it, try being as close as possible to earn the most velocity.

    Pinned 3.5 years ago
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    @YaMomzBox420 Thanks for mentioning that.

    3.5 years ago
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    1,191 YaMomzBox420

    Something I notice isn't mentioned(at least not directly) is that if your craft is behind the body in question, then you'll get a relative boost in speed. If you're craft is ahead of the body, then you'll lose speed relatively. If used in the right combination, you can maneuver across the system with a minimal amount of ∆v regardless of the destination

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    I managed to get to Urados with half the fuel by aerobreaking. I did a simple Hohmann transfer to Cylero, slingshotted half way to Tydos, used some fuel to insert myself into a Tydos flyby, and set a course to Urados. I managed to aerobrake and insert a probe into orbit In Urados using aero braking. I highly recommend using this tactic if you are in desperate need to save fuel.

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    @ColdAerospace Alright thx I noticed that while testing gravity assists.

    3.5 years ago
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    @SmurfResearchX Alright thanks.

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    gravity assist - this is a good breakdown of how they work - luna doesnt have alot of mass, but can still add some velocity in a flyby - for example, if you draw a line from your closest point of the flyby (periapsis of the hyperbolic trajectory) thru the center of luna, that is the direction of gravity force added (relative to the velocity before entering lunas SOI). aligning that with your flight path is the tricky part, then the time in luna SOI, velocity, and altitude of the flyby will affect the magnitude of the assist...closer and slower encounter = more gravity applied in that direction

    +1 3.5 years ago

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