what is the maximum distance(in M) and the inclination for Juno synchronous orbit(JSO)
and the distance for Geosynchronous orbit
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1,182 MechanizedBlackSheep
I think you may be more looking for the geostationary orbit information. It's some nice math, but I found the KSP wiki has a good article about it. It's labled as "Geosynchronous Orbit (Math)" but explains more how to find the geostationary, which is similar but I think more what you're looking for. That article does a much better job explaining than I can.
1,191 YaMomzBox420
@plane918273645 LOL 🤣 even if it did, it wouldn't matter anyway since there's no reason to orbit over the same spot on it's surface anyway(there's no sunspots to count unlike irl)
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i would agree to what @plane918273645 said
just land on the sun to be in a geosynchronous orbit