Is seeing our moon in during daytime becoming more and more rare? I saw it out in the morning today (as of writing) and reminded me that the last time i saw it like this was like 2 months ago, yet back in like 2014 to 2018 this would happen on like a weekly basis, and that's the main reason why i'm making this at all.
Seeing something other than the sun and clouds in daytime has always put a lightened, simplified feeling on me, and let's just face it, it looks cool. So, is there something specific behind this or is just that i live in a weird time zone or something?



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    13.8k Vedhaspace

    I think I see it 4 days (approx) in a month in my town

    3.4 years ago
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    you probably just don’t look often enough.

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    well thank you for the detailed answer.
    i don't live in the 'states, so weather conditions and pollution isn't too bad of a problem. so far i've mostly been to places that just have densely packed buildings, and since i usually don't go outside much, i guess it's mostly just my sucky timing.

    3.4 years ago
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    1,191 YaMomzBox420

    I can't say for certain, but it's probably a combination of decreased overall visibility and bad timing on the part of the observer. Air quality has gone down a good bit globally, and especially if you live somewhere like the western half of the US, there's going to be major wildfires, smog, and other sources of air pollution that make it harder to see anything like the moon during daytime. There's also weather events that make viewing the sky nearly impossible and it gets worse in areas like the Pacific Northwest where there's cloud cover ~60% of the year. It could also be the timing: the moon is only visible for a few hours at a time in most locations, and it's only visible during daytime for about "half" of it's orbit because it's either hidden around the dark side of earth(full moon) or behind the impressive glow of the sun(new moon). This means that in order to have a clear view of the moon during daytime, you need the moon in just the right location relative to the earth and sun, no adverse weather conditions, and minimal air pollution. This means that you'd have to live in a relatively uninhabited desert climate in order to maximize viewability of the moon in daytime, while a wetter, more populated area will have much less viewability

    3.4 years ago

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