Not self promo, just want to help new players experience the game for what it can be. If this is in the wrong place or needs to be done different, please advise me as I do not want to be removed
Special thanks to @ColdAerospace and @FriendlyFin for the spark of inspiration, subtle hint to keep it vanilla for everyone to use, and encouragement to finish this labor of love 👍😊.
Yes I definitely can!
Just grab this rocket: (Craft file link:)![]( and I'll meet back up with you on the launch pad👍😊!
The background of the idea:
Inspired by seeing so many in other games, and now this one, struggle to get into orbit, have issues keeping a rocket under control, or just have a very difficult time with making it much further beyond the launchpad, I decided there had to be something better than videos and long posts of "How to's". If you don't do exactly as they do when they do, you don't have much chance of getting the same results, and get frustrated. With Simple Rockets 2, they have a Vizzy, so I started to poke around and soon discovered I could write a flight program to solve this very issue. So now, a player can just download this rocket, not need anything other than the base game, and learn how to play and have fun :)
Launch, see space, and come back with a story to tell, and have some idea of how to get your own contraptions up there!
Instructions on how to save a copy of the script and use in your own crafts in the pinned comments. Multiple rocket capable to help you launch your own as well!
The craft file link containing the rocket also contains a Vizzy Script. It will teach you the answer to this question by letting you know what to do so you can get there.... simply by launching it. You fly it, control it, do all the things, and if you are doing something that will make it so you can't get to orbit, the program tells you what you need to do to fix it.
How to fly a rocket 101.