One thing I like to do is push limits, and pushing the length of the Vizzy script has turned up a few thoughts on an improvement to help with larger scripts during editing, and make code cloning a bit less frustrating 🤣

Suggestion 1:
When you click on the code and drag, instead of animating all of the other however many blocks there are, just animate the top few and then outline the shape of the rest.

What happened when the script got long:
You click to drag some code, and instead of getting the code block you clicked and tried to drag, you either have something from another place pulled out nearby, or you have nothing grabbed at all.

Bug (cause and effect I believe from rendering the blocks to be dragged, or panning the code quickly while zoomed out): (On Windows 10 PC)
The nose pan function suddenly flips from just one button click to pan, you have to click both right and left mouse buttons together to pan and it pans at double speed. Sometimes you can be zoomed out some to scroll the code faster, and it will also case this to switch. Just as it switches it switches back. Band aid for it is to save to craft and reopen the script.

Suggestion 2:
The copy function needs a few more options. It reacts differently when you're trying to copy parts or sections and these are nested. You can grab just that section, but cloning has varied results. Sometimes you get the frame, sometimes you get what you want plus the whole rest of everything below it 🙈. Maybe copy block or frame( just that one) copy section ( the pieces that would normally come out if grabbed normally) or copy rest to copy that and everything below it.

I believe the outlining optimization for edits would really improve performance and cause much fewer errors moving something too far out of a nest or from where it supposed to be, and because it was a randome grab now you have to hunt down where it came from 🙈 that one got me a lot on my algorithm.

Extra thought:
Maybe even carry the outlining over to the panning as well. Like for example, only render every other Nth section or every few lines with and outline the rest, and then when pan stops (not mouse click stopped, just pan speed below a small amount), then call a full render to display it back. Keep the click in there so we can save a step looking or scrolling slow but grab and snap like going from bottom to top fast, outline a good bit of it so it doesn't hang or cause you to alter your code by accident because of a frame skip waiting for renders.



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    Need a switch/case type statement too. Same effort to make the structure as using a bunch of ifs, but would greatly increase the speed at which it executes (it's looking for one specific case, not testing 100 if statements individually for a single condition, which takes a lot more processing time...)

    My in-flight tutorial uses about 30 some odd ifs and because of the way it works it has to be nested, and it sometimes will be testing if this then that but no if this, then test again if that and this is over that but not this and less that, and maybe yes but then something is still missing that's not tested but display in case it isn't, and then it's caught with another test, another display is used and the process continues.... to determine 3-4 things every .5 seconds. If I had switch case, I could test maybe 4 levels, get a number, pass that to a function or another switch case to make 5 and display 1 message one time based on case and only use processing to look for specific case one two or so on. Without I'm having to test, retest, and use fall through messages stuck up ahead of time to account for a few simple case situations. 🧐 Maybe I can set it up that way with ifs, but for some reason trying it like that before I got a lot of wrong things out of it, usually backwards of what was expected (despite rearranging the order in the flow) 🙈. Small structure like this seems to be ok despite doing about 30 tests a second, but I would think something of a greater scale, testing for more conditions at once may be taxing to processing power 👍

    3.3 years ago
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    9.1 screens, and no flights since the last update 🙈 never been so worried about a launch 😂 The project is coming to full fruition 😊

    3.3 years ago
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    The rare bug was actually helpful! New suggestion and how I can make it happen now, read on:

    Now I can make it do it on command. This time it was actually helpful so it brings me to another suggestion. First how it happens: When you drop the code block, it hangs slightly before triggering the trash to close and reopen the left side menu. If during that time you click on the plain background/grid, it freezes the part you drop and you can drag your code around. Clicking again to what you dropped and dragging unfreezes it and lets you drop it normally.

    We should make that an option to be INTENTIONAL. Like as you have something held, right click but let go of left click and cause the code to hold in place on the screen, instead of like now where that just drops a copy of whatever you have the mouse over like normal, for example. I was able to copy something from way up top and instead of drag drop, pan, drag drop pan, about 6 or so times, I was able to just keep rolling until I got back to where I needed the copy and dropped it right in.

    3.3 years ago
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    And yes I could easily break the script to pieces and put them into separate parts, but.....
    That breaks Vanilla rules as it requires the tinker panel, so kinda stuck with working with what's there 😂 🤷‍♂️

    3.3 years ago
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    At 9 screens long (zooming out as much as it allows). Now I'm on to another little bug.

    If I grab a section, like a small if block, move it to the side and let go of the mouse, the rest of the screen pans (the grid and untouched code) yet the code block I should not be holding is frozen in place. I click back to grab the piece I let go that started this issue, the rest of the code (grid) then goes back to normal and I have the code block again, and then clicking again releases it. Not a big deal but trippy to see 😂

    It's done it twice now, first time was after it past about 7 screen lengths, second time just now so rarely.

    I'm zoomed in to where I see only a handful of code pieces at the time I'm trying to modify when this happens. Being zoomed in tight seems to help with other issues as well but it still has a noticable lag in this case too.

    3.3 years ago
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    11.0k Insanity

    Good points, some small thing to help with streamlining would also be the ability to delete blocks of code while dragging them by hitting the delete key, always having to drag it to the top right of the screen can be quite tedious, plus if there is another part of code directly under it and you miss the delete button theres a chance you could insert parts of code accidentally.

    +2 3.3 years ago

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