How do I TimeWarp in vizzy?
TimeWarp 1-10 don't work lol
Only normal, fast forward, slow motion and paused work.
Pls help me ASAP
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2,189 InnovaAerospace
@YaMomzBox420 and mine is not like that.
I was timewarping while no engines on I was in sol orbit -
1,176 YaMomzBox420
@Bibhab you can't use warp if:
1.) You're in an atmosphere
2.) Any engines are actively producing thrust with the exception of ion engines(super low TWR gets computed differently)
3.) You're about to crash, enter an atmosphere, or change SOI relatively soon
2,189 InnovaAerospace
@plane918273645 m i a noob??
i know manualy
if throttle is there there will be no warp -
18.2k plane918273645
You have to make sure you can actually do the warp, if you can’t do it manually (aka thruster burning/ falling) then vizzy won’t also
2,189 InnovaAerospace
@YaMomzBox420 they r.
Only water is low
Else every stuff is high -
1,176 YaMomzBox420
If that doesn't work, it might just be a bug in the game(provided that you're using the block in the correct way). I've personally never had issues with vizzy timewarp, but I keep my physics settings as high as the game lets me.
1,176 YaMomzBox420
@Bibhab make sure your physics settings are maxed. Some calculations don't work at lower settings, and the game might just ignore certain instructions (like timewarp 10x+) if the game can't calculate the physics properly(that's also why timewarp can't be used in atmosphere or with non-ion engines. The physics updates would cause chaos with crafts/planets and the game might just crash)
2,189 InnovaAerospace
@Zenithspeed yes ik what u said and I understood.
But the problem is that they don't work.
I saw the Andrews vid and created exact of thatBut TimeWarp is lol dead
27.1k Zenithspeed
i'm no vizzy expert, but i think you need to use the block "set time mode to [TimeWarpX] (in Craft Instructions category), with X being a number 1-10m as well the standard, slow motion and fast motion modes.
if that's not what you're looking for, then sorry, i can't help you any further
Now it worked guys