I really like the works made by the big guys in the forum. Sometimes there is too little fuel. How can I add unlimited fuel to the finished work?
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13.6k AstroAerospace
If you don't have access to XML then you can just use the fuel tank trick. Get a fuel tank, or as many as you need, resize it to as big as it can be then go to the tinker panel and turn the part scale and mass all the way down to zero. Enable the fuel line then you're good.
0 ZH4611
@FriendlyFin I tried a few more times, but still failed to activate Infinite Fuel, but thank you for your help anyway
9,475 RudimentaryCheezit
when i activated infinite fuel, the error occurred on my side as well
0 ZH4611
@FriendlyFin When I get tapy in MLI, it always prompts me command mli not found I don't know where the error occurred
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go to settings > controls > other > open dev console > type in MLI > tap “EXECUTE” > tap “CLOSE” > play the game
this is no prank i’ve actually tested it
but you can’t make the craft have infinite fuel by default, you have to let the viewers know how to activate infinite fuel