You know how when outside of an atmosphere, the flamey exhaust(s) of the rocket engine(s) extend wider than the engine (and in many cases the entire craft)? That's called underexpansion, kind of a weird naming considering it's basically doing the opposite, but hey. Anyways, onto my thing.

I need to make it so that one of my rocket engines always has this effect, let's say, up to 5 kg/m^3. Modifying many parts of the rocket engine (size, chamber pressure, nozzle length and throat, and maybe more) will affect how this effect is applied.
I have access to XML, so feel free to give values that are otherwise unobtainable in standard part stat editing.



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    1,191 YaMomzBox420

    @ChalxAerospace yes, but there's a difference between XML editing on mobile and modding on a PC. I have both mobile and pc versions of the game, and what's possible on one is not possible on the other. Mobile users can xml edit most things but only as far as the game itself allows, while PC users can literally rewrite the game itself to allow for more editing

    3.3 years ago
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    @YaMomzBox420 he is on iOS, mobile users also have access to file editing

    3.3 years ago
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    1,191 YaMomzBox420

    @Zenithspeed hmmmm seems like a catch 22 to me... To decrease the engines thrust means doing the opposite of what it takes to cause under expansion: low chamber pressure, tiny throat, huge nozzle... You said you have access to xml, does that mean you're on PC? If so, there might be mods for that(thinking engine overhaul or something like that), or you could make your own modded parts if you have Unity and know how to use it for that. Otherwise, I'm at a loss

    3.3 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    yeah i managed to figure out myself meanwhile
    but, do you know how to reduce the overall thrust output of the engines? i need that too. doesn't matter if it's entirely reduced or not, just as long as it has some decent thrust reduction

    3.3 years ago
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    3,554 vghfr

    multiple engines clipped into eachother

    3.3 years ago

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