Rocket Science Co: ASRS

ASRS Missions

Rocket Science Co is an official partner of the Atmospheric Satellite Reconnaissance System and is responding for launching ASRS satellites. We manufacture our own in-house ASRS satellites that meet TerTech’s product quality standard.
Our team will be launching 3 ASRS satellite batch next week (week commencing 14/11/2021). These batches will include ASRS 4, ASRS 5 and ASRS 6. Each batch will be launched out of LPC-2 on our world-known Bravo 10 V8 reusable launch vehicle.

What is ASRS?

The Atmospheric Satellite Reconnaissance System or ASRS is a space program started by TerTech in August of 2021. Their goal is to a provide a way for all on Droo to receive and collect accurate information about the weather and climate. Scientist, environmentalists and meteorologists will be the first to use this constellation of satellites and receive accurate, detailed and calculated information, from our current stand point TerTech hasn’t given us a date or period of when this service will be available for everyday people.

Wen Launch?

For our ASRS missions happening this next week (commencing 14/11/2021) our team has chosen the dates and times below for a picture perfect launch:

ASRS 4: 14/11/2021 - 11:00 UTC
ASRS 5: 16/11/2021 - 12:00 UTC
ASRS 6: 19/11/2021 - 19:00 UTC

Please visit our official Twitter Page for more information.

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