It's a real pain in the butt grabbing the wrong part all the time in the designer. Can we add an option for each part that only works in the designer to "freeze" a certain part so it's not hidden, but acts like it is so you can't click it accidentally and move it. The Undo button has undone up to 42 things in one press for m,e plus it always moves my shiz off 0 every time 😤 so making something not clickable (for manipulation, can still get it for options) would make life sooooooooo much easier. Kinda like "freezing" in a 3d program or CAD program.
Also can we make it so the grid for part shaping isn't so bright white. It makes it near impossible even with the light transparency, to see what I'm trying to line up 🙈. Guess, click off the part to see it, and check, it works but very slow process.
My latest build I'm either getting 97% accurate or going to the asylum trying 🙊🤣