How did I gain traction so fast? I started 3 days ago and I’m already at 93 points how? My sstos and rockets are crap why? For now I’m not going to question it
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9,475 RudimentaryCheezit
your ssto’s are definitely not even close to poorly designed, they look very creative and high quality
27.1k Zenithspeed
yeah, this whole upvoting thing is really just a free time and luck measuring contest... i don't mean to offend anybody but it really is just what it is at this point.
@Starborn -
18.3k plane918273645
Actually no, it’s been stated firmly it’s against the rules, none of the top accounts have alts owned by them upvoting themselves as that would result in a ban. @Starborn
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@FriendlyFin I beg to differ but thank you anyway!