Karene has been added to the Detranian System!

I was doing research and realized that humanoid creatures cannot survive on the planet Siea. Siea has a very high oxygen atmosphere which makes a majority of its inhabitants significantly larger than even a house, and has higher gravity than Earth (1.51 G) to have the ability to keep a small ring system in orbit, there are 3 rings to be exact. And with higher gravity and being very large would make it very difficult to survive, also Siea has almost no axial tilt and a very circular orbit which makes its temperature 80 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit, and you can’t sweat, all you have it pale blue skin to reflect a significant amount of sunlight to keep a reasonable internal temperature. So you’d pretty much die within a half hour or so, alien or not. But I didn’t want to give up the concept of an intelligent humanoid reptile I created called a Sevian (by the way they’re now called Quenolians). So I am replacing Siea with a more habitable planet, Karene. Let me educate you on my new planet.


Karene has a thin atmosphere (0.92 of Earth’s) that is made of 43% oxygen, 54% neon, and 3% helium. The high oxygen content makes the atmosphere a very deep blue. Do not inhale.


The ocean is made of water (H2O) and has higher trace amounts of oxygen dissolved in the ocean rather than Earth. And like Earth, Karene’s ocean has layers, but at a smaller scale; the deepest point is one kilometer. Many life forms exist in the ocean, here is a very bad picture of one of them:


A Quenolian is a white reptile with humanoid proportions and is about 57 feet tall, it is also highly intelligent and curious. They are friends with the Humans from the exoplanet Sol c and are a very peaceful civilization. Their blood pigment is a deep blue, the biochemical that causes this coloration is called hemocyanin, it is transparent when deoxygenated but is a deep blue when oxygenated. Quenolians are also known for not having pores to sweat, they cool off by going under the shadow of a large nearby object, if they’re too cold they have the option to bask in the blinding light of Detra, the blue giant which their home planet encircles. The population of the Quenolians is 2 million, the low land mass and the size of the planet make them have this number…it’s also the fact that they lay 1 egg in an average lifetime. But the total population is 1.3 billion, they’re just scattered across the Smal Magellanic Cloud and some of the solar system and its neighboring stars.

The underbite tooth is for graphic purposes

1. Hands

Quenolians have large hands that consist of three phalanges; a thumb, an index finger, and a pinky finger. All of their phalanges are the same length, except for the thumb, it’s noticeably shorter. Their phalanges also have claws at ends of them (see picture above), the tips of the claws are smooth and makes it very difficult for an Quenolian to cause severe damage to someone even if they wanted to, they’re only used for scratching an itch with much more satisfaction than if it was to use its bare fingertips, and they’re used for any other operation that doesn’t cause too much harm.

2. Feet

Quenolian feet have incredibly thick skin in response to having to deal with 36,000 kilograms of organs, even shoving a sowing needle into it will do nothing more than cause an almost unnoticeable pinch. However, their feet are devoid of any phalanges, they look similar to an elephant’s foot, but with no toes whatsoever. This makes it moderately hard to maintain balance, but Enolians have a tail which helps to balance them (read #7).

3. Horn “Mohawk”

There are three large horns made of bone on the upper back of their skull, which means it is incredibly painful for them to be torn off since bones are alive (by the way, antlers and things are not actually made of bone, they’re technically dense hair).
They are also used to impress female Quenolians just as other fancy animal accessories are, therefore only males have these special horns.

4. Optical

Quenolians have four eyes, two on each side of their head (see picture above). They may look completely black, but they only have a very dark blue iris that covers most of the eye. If you shine a really bright flashlight at it’s eye, you will first see that the actual pupil is a vertical slit like in a cat, then it get really mad and roar at you. Unlike a cat, or shark, or whatever, the pupil cannot increase in size too much, only about as much as a human’s pupil. Their eyes have only 3 cones that can detect red, green, and blue. They have eyelids that close horizontally, so when they look forward or backward, the back of their eye doesn’t get dry, it would be very painful. When they sleep, their eyelids will close…like normal. Warning: don’t poke it.

5. Digestive

Since Quenolians are massive creatures, they also need a lot more food to nourish themselves. Their diet consists of plants, they also cannot digest meat very well. But where’s the protein? The plants! Plants on Karene absorb Detra’s insane light and have much higher sugar production, which means they also produce a lot of protein which Quenolians need to serve their hard-working muscular system. First, their mouth; it contains saliva that has digestive enzymes, so don’t stay inside for too long, your spacesuit boots will be remotely dissolved in half an hour. It also has flat, triangular teeth (like mine) that have a round tip so the Quenolian‘s powerful jaws will smash the plant. After your are swallowed whole by mistake, you will pass through the esophagus which also has saliva in it, you will also detect a bit of gaseous methane. After an unexpectedly short trip, you will arrive at a flap which directs food or objects into separate stomachs, the left one for food and the right one for…kind of just anything that isn’t food. If it is a living object it will somehow ask it what gases are involved in it’s respiratory system, the Quenolian will use available gases nearby, then it will swallow the gas outside and use what I call “pressure magic” to direct it to its stomach. Getting you out is pretty easy, I just have to ask the Quenolian to regurgitate you. A plant’s journey through the digestive system is the same, only it goes into the food stomach and…well…you know the drill. The stomach for objects became useful as the early Quenolians had to do multiple tasks, and carry a lot of things. Sometimes they didn’t have enough “hand room” to carry any more tools, so a second stomach developed and is still useful today.

6. Respiratory & Smell

They have an enormous lung that intakes massive amounts of the surrounding atmosphere. The lung is smashed against it’s chest and is attached to the esophagus via a trachea, it has a diaphragm that can make the lung shrink significantly, and puff up to 1 and a half it’s size. Their trachea gives Enolians the ability to speak your language…what is it…English…because they also have vocal chords, lips, and a flexible tongue. They can distinguish over 1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion) different smells with their huge nostrils, about the size of your legs.

7. Tail

Quenolians have a moderately sized tail that reaches down 3 quarters it’s legs. It is attached to the lower back, just above the intergluteal cleft (butt crack). It is hard to move and so the Quenolian has to use it’s buttocks to maneuver it’s tail, but there are muscles in the tail but they don’t give enough propulsion to make it easy to move it’s huge tail. The highest an Quenolian‘s tail reached ever recorded was a little over 90 degrees. They can also use their tail to smack people…for good reason.

8. Auditory

Quenolians have two ears; one on their forehead and one on the back of their head. The ears are shaped like holes, much like birds and fish. They are so wide that you can stick your hand inside them (eww). They function like all other ears, they’re pretty normal.


They speak in sort of a custom way, but it is very simple and has minimal synonyms. Also, if a planet’s name begins with “ka”, it means that it is habitable and/or has life on it living without protective equipment.

Numbers and Things


Other Symbols


That red stuff you see may look like carnage from an interstellar war, but it is actually plants. The reason why they’re red is because of the light that Detra emits; bright blue. To absorb blue light, you need to be red, that’s why we see red things because they absorb any blue light and reflect red light. Quenolians enjoy eating plantlife and fungi from across the planet’s biosphere, one reason is that all the plants have high sugar production and are sweeter than ordinary plants like I eat, kelp. Most of them look like spongey fan coral and table coral and other marine plants like on Earth. one tree though, is extremely large and is useful for shade for two Quenolians at once. To create a smoothie of one of these plants, I will give you a list of ingredients since you are 30 quadrillion kilometers from an actual plant.

• A teaspoon of organic cane sugar
• A teaspoon of protein powder, no flavoring whatsoever
• Fill the rest of the blender with lettuce or any other edible leaf

WARNING it will taste disgusting


The radius of Karene is slightly smaller than Mars, low gravity also contributes to the size of alien life forms; it makes them a lot bigger. The Quenolians dispose biowaste by converting it into manure. Quenolian beds are made of a comfortable sponge. Quenolian spacesuits and clothes are made of polyurethane coated nylon, it’s flexible and durable and airtight. This information is changing constantly, check back every day or so

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  • Profile image
    15.6k Tallisar

    The images aren't showing--did you remove them or...?

    4 months ago
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    also, if you noticed that the forum referenced me to be some sort of aquatic creature, it’s because my profile was formerly a shark

    1.4 years ago
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    how brave of you

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    15.6k Tallisar

    @RudimentaryCheezit Me who actually made the smoothie: DeLiCiOuS

    1.5 years ago
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    that’s not how their symbols work. a female civilian is the shape of the target logo, and more advanced females have a cooler looking target logo

    2.9 years ago
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    this nightmare fuel
    Also, the icon for "Male" is the same for civilian, does that mean you need to be a male to be considered a civilian? Kinda like that idea ngl

    2.9 years ago
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    i watch subnautica one and it’s pretty cool

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    3,718 QarabinaKa

    @FriendlyFin you should check out Curious Archive on YouTube, he does quite a bit of speculative biology you may find interesting.

    3.1 years ago
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    that’s way cool

    3.1 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    y e s

    3.1 years ago
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    +1 3.1 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    yes, plenty of life

    3.1 years ago
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    any life?
    even microbes?

    3.1 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    basically it is the main habitable world in my Mortan System, it has red-colored grass and water, and dark greyish-blue rocks and mountains, it also has a ring system and a multitude of moons
    link to the latest version

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    i want to know more about merak

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    i’m surprised you read it all 😆

    +2 3.1 years ago
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    This is one of the most complex posts for a species I have read. Overall, love how in depth you went into the description of the Enolians, I wish you luck in not getting eaten by them accidentally.

    +2 3.1 years ago
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    i fixed the link; it lead directly to this forum

    3.1 years ago
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    PH is the acidity or basic-ness of a medium.
    0 PH is the acidity of gastric juices
    7 PH is neutral, meaning it is kind of a base and kind of an acid. an example of a neutral substance is water
    14 is completely basic, examples are things like ammonia and bleach, and other cleaning agents

    3.1 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    PH stuff is something i don't understand, but either way thanks for the info lol
    also, just saying, the title of the section about the Enolians lead to a link that directly let anybody edit the post, you should probably remove or replace that link before somebody uses it for malicious purposes

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    it would make sense; your blood has a narrow PH requirement and too much oxygen would make your blood basic

    3.1 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    since i discovered that "too much oxygen in atmosphere is actually bad" according to this, looks like i have to change atmospheric compositions... of Merak...again.
    now it's 48% oxygen, 48% nitrogen, 3% noble gases, and 1% misc stuff. i know nobody cares but i don't care either lol

    3.1 years ago
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    +1 3.1 years ago
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    11.5k Chtite451SR2

    @FriendlyFin 1: there’s other ways to do it, you could use an unlisted craft post or planet post (I don’t see a problem with that tbh) for example, or maybe even an app
    Plus you didn’t say anything about people not coming to see it until now
    2: I meant you misspelled my name on that last comment so you didn’t ping me, I didn’t mean the planet
    3 pings per message work btw, don’t ask me why that works that way

    3.1 years ago
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    and you can’t say that i misspelled the name of my planet because it is only a coincidence that it happens to be “Karen” with an “e” at the end
    and it is my planet

    +1 3.1 years ago
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