How to build them like the ones in KSP? I have the rover's "chassis" but my problem is the wheels. The wheels rotate the other way I want them to. How to fix?
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2,596 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
I have had this happen to me on some of my rover build that I haven't released, A trick I found recently is if they are directly attached to something like a strut on the side of the chassis (Fuel Tank) is to rotate them forward 90 degrees. If you have the wheels attached to a rotator, break the symmetry and invert one side so they turn the same direction. But if that is the case, just test it out before you invert the wheel on the other side of the rover. And for multi wheeled rovers (Rovers that have rear wheel steering) just invert the rear steering if it starts to go sideways when you try to turn while going forward or backward. Sorry for the long comment.
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@NOISYNEKO001 No problem.