It would be much easier to build with rotors hinges and pistons if we can preset angles/extensions. Folded arms require hinges to be 90/180 degrees and in order to build it proper we have to build it straight, or add extra blocks and parts to make an elbow, which also amounts to more parts just to make the direction 🙈. Setting two hinges to 90 makes a good fold. Hinge to block to hinge to block to hinge to block to make a fold is bulky and too many parts for it. We can max pistons one way or the other but the middle is usually 0 in most designs, so we have to hack the extra properties and make it go into itself, or build it maxed and set on launch. Same with rotors. Build straight then fold on launch. Pain in the butt.



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    It does involve a bit of reverse engineering in order to achieve some builds.
    Building a rope comes to mind for some reason.
    It either has to be built in a long line then coiled in game or you spend years bending it around a spool in the designer.

    3.2 years ago
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    1,176 YaMomzBox420

    Agreed. I've had a lot of trouble with that myself and have had to completely give up on certain designs because it just wouldn't work the way I wanted it to. A potential solution involves using vizzy to set your hinge/piston to the desired position immediately after loading in to the flight mode. I doubt it would work for every situation, especially when collisions and stuff are important, but it might make things waaaay easier on you for the most part

    3.2 years ago


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