So I've seen the MFD parts and messed around with really simple programs but haven't got anywhere. I always wondered how people were so good at them, making things such as fractal generators, map views, 3D terrain views, games and N-body simulations. Is there any advice for where to start and how to practice programming MFD parts? Thanks.
Question12 Comments
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4,975 FelixFan1
Vizzy is the only thing I can’t do in this game, I’m a space nerd lol. -
9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
a program that gets the information about a planet in space or the surface of it
10.9k Insanity
Practice and a relatively solid understanding of math, those are the main factors.
9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
i can get you started
i’ve created a planet science program, and an orbital velocity calculator…and more
i never uploaded them 🤨 -
7,552 Hannah1212
It takes some practice, but looking at other examples is a good idea, and just messing around in vizzy to see what everything does. Also a few tutorials. If you’re stuck on a particular part, discord src is a good place to ask questions.
15.7k Hylo
No idea, honestly. I would start with deconstructing other simpler mfd programs and play around with it
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