As the title says
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26.4k ChaoticGraviton
@seventeen for most things yes, there are very few things that didn't carry over with formatting or are redone. But very few
15.7k Hylo
@ChaoticGraviton ahh okay yeah, so all I need to do is use funky trees commands?
Funk can be something that emanates from foul beasts and old underwear
26.4k ChaoticGraviton
@YaMomzBox420 That's not exactly what it's for, but you kinda have the general gist. More or less it's a text-based 'version' of vizzy, but not really, it predates it in concept and is the vizzy equivalent in SP. It can do more, and runs faster than vizzy
1,191 YaMomzBox420
Honestly I've been wondering the same, and trying to find a reasonable explanation from someone is like pulling teeth. As far as I know, it's more along the lines of the underlying coding that vizzy is built off of, and it's capable of being very math intensive. Also, according to the tooltip in game, it can be more accurate for time related calculations, especially when used with(as?) an input controller(not sure exactly what they mean by that), which makes sense given the previously stated properties. Otherwise, exactly what it's used for, how to use it, and when to use/not use it have eluded me despite spending a decent amount of time looking it up.
well obviously it changes the entire game soundtrack to funk music