How to do I enable and use a reverse trust on jet engines?
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27.1k Zenithspeed
you need to brake while the engine is still producing thrust, if it's displaying it in negative kN then it's working
you can also rebind the reverse thrust to a different input like an AG or slider -
9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
use an aerospike engine on the front of the ship or use a jet engine on the front
1,191 YaMomzBox420
@Aquaflames4571 yeah, that's what I'm talking about. You need a trust reverser if you don't trust your plain
@FriendlyFin @YaMomzBox420 @OmniExplorationDivision sorry I ment trust reverser and I don't think you just need to use break because I saw that that you need to mess around hidden property of the engine
1,191 YaMomzBox420
I don't trust my jets either... You just gotta continue improving your designs so that one day, you can trust your jets 🥸
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the reverse thrust should work if you set "brake" to 100% and then throttle up, with default engine settings - but can be changed to different inputs