Greetings everyone I'm having the following problem
When loading my SLS rocket along with a platform created by another user the rocket keeps moving as if it were loose. (All umbilcaus are connected to the rocket), But the rocket is unstable on the platform. Any helps with this?


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    1,191 YaMomzBox420

    Check all your part connections first. It might take a while because it can be a fairly large list to check, but it could just be something connected to the wrong spot or not connected at all despite appearing to be connected properly. If that's not it, then you want to check part collisions which will probably take about as much time. If collisions are on or off on the wrong part, then it could cause wierd stuff to happen too. If that's still not it, then you might need to redesign the whole thing because the games physics are weird sometimes when you have large and intricate crafts

    +1 3.2 years ago

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