I am making an alligator fairing (as seen here ) and it keeps moving during flight. Is there any way to fix, or at the very least, mitigate this effect?
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3,554 vghfr
@HorizonsTechnologies also for some reason collisions are broken. the cargo bay just passes through the other
3,692 HorizonsTechnologies
No you can't fix it. It's really annoying and I am f*ing sick of this bug.
@Staticalliam7 you can try extra hinges in the same spot to add more strength but they all need to be in line or it will vibrate on activation and maybe explode.
Saves having to try and line up pistons and hinges.
You might have to add a tank to attach them all to. -
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@Staticalliam7 yes I know. It’s n out fixable sadly.